Married to myself?

My husband literally spends 6+ hours a day on his phone. If he's not at work he's either sleeping or on his phone or iPad. I've complained, I've asked nicely, I've tried talking to him and all he says back to me is "I'm not on it all day" and that I'm bitching. Even my kids notice he's on it all day. The only time he pays attention to me is when he wants sex or wants me to make him something to eat or get him a drink. I do everything and I mean everything around the house inside and out. I've been asking him for over a week now to get some stuff down from the attic for me and his response was I will when I get to it but today he's been on his iPad since 8 this morning and it's now 12:30. I do so much for him everyday and it's ridiculous he can't even do that one thing for me I don't think I should be climbing a ladder into our attic when I'm 6 months pregnant. If we do talk it's only when he's at work and he texts me other than that very few words are exchanged between us verbally because he is always on an electronic. I feel like I'm married to myself. I go everywhere with the kids by myself, eat dinner with the kids by myself, his approach to sex is just asking me "are you gonna let me have sex with you?" There's no intimacy because the tv always has to be on or his phone is in his hands. It's really lonely and not what I signed up for when I said "I do". :/ 
I should add all he's looking at on there is the news, websites about emergency service vehicles, and articles no games, no social media. He handles the finances I can't not pay the bills. I would take his phone away but he is on call for his job a lot he could lose his job if I took it away which is what supports us. The only thing I can take away is the iPod but it doesn't really solve the problem. I've tried asking him to detach from the phone for at least 2 hours a night to spend with the kids then spend sometime with me before bed. We don't have sex often because of his tactics or lack thereof. I tried everything to get him off the electronics!!