Sex at full term?


38 weeks pregnant over here!

My husband and I have been having sex pretty regularly, for who knows when will be the last time for 6 weeks(😭) and since it’s supposed to help induce/not let me go past my due date. Sometimes (usually every time I’m on top and sometimes doggy style as well) we can’t have sex because he says it feels like there’s not room/it’s really tight.

I went to my midwife yesterday who checked me for dilation and as soon as she went in she was like “oh wow! Baby is REALLY low” and had to move around his head to find my cervix. She said I’m 80% effaced.

She didn’t say anything about sex, but my husband is hesitant because he doesn’t want to be just banging his junk against the baby’s head(😂)...anyone else been here before? Do you guys think sex is fine or off limits?

I’m not worried since my midwife didn’t mention anything, but curious about other people’s experiences/thoughts!