Please help 😩


I’ve actually given up, it’s 2am and I’m laying in bed with severe period cramps, I have a massager on my stomach, hot water bottle on my back and I have taken 4 ibuprofen (I can handle them)

My period is two weeks later (came on today) I’ve always been irregular but I’ll have a month or two which is normal and light cramps and then one really really bad.

I’ve been back a for the doctors for almost 2 years and finally before COVID my doctor told me I most likely have endometriosis but wanted to do a pelvic exam before giving me pain medication, then COVID happened and because I have to shield I still haven’t had my pelvic exam.

Does anyone else have really severe period pain to the point where they feel faint and physically sick? I’ve had times where I’ve passed out because of the pain. I also get really bad cramps around ovulation and I also get quite big clots during my period. When I have bad clotting I can literally feel the clots coming and coming out of me. I get really really intense pain and sometimes I even push a little to get them out!

I’m looking for someone to talk to just to help guide me through this!