How to help hubby lose weight

So, before y’all yell at me, I don’t care if he loses weight. But his weight is really bothering him, he wants to lose weight, but i feel like I’m a detriment to him actually succeeding.

Little back story:

He was heavy all through middle/high school and then got really sick (mono plus undiagnosed food intolerances so he threw everything he ate up for like 3 months). He lost almost 100lbs at that point, and kept it off for about 2 years.

When we got married, the weight started to creep back on, (I blame my baking too much and constant eating out). When I got pregnant with our first, I had very specific food aversions and cravings and couldn’t really eat much because of it, so I would eat half my plate and then he’d finish it.

He gained as much as I did (around 45lbs), difference being I gave birth...

then I got pregnant with our second, he didnt gain much during the pregnancy, but when we lost the baby at full term, my husband gained another 50-60 lbs from emotional eating and quarantine.

Now I’m pregnant with our third (hopefully second live birth) and I’m not gaining as much weight this time, but he’s gained easily another 20lbs.

So he’s now around 280-290.

I’ve asked him how I can help, because he said he intends to lose weight, as his work just offered him an incentive program that he’s really excited about, but he said he doesn’t know. The only thing that he could come up with was not going out to eat anymore. Which is fine, I honestly prefer home cooking anyway. But my question is, is there anything you ladies can think of (or guys who wish they’d had support!) that I could do to help him? Obviously buying healthier foods, I can’t bake right now because I can’t stand in the kitchen long enough to make anything... not having junk food in the house... anything more?

Thanks in advance!