Over the top?

*Final update.

When he got home from work I apologized for being petty and told him i would be willing to work on it. He got really angry and said that he did nothing wrong (when i explained that i was upset that he kicked me and pushed me up against the door) and that i needed to stop being a snowflake. .

To add to this, when he kicked me right after he pushed his chest up to mine backing me into a door and did all of the yelling in front of our son while i was trying to feed him lunch.

*Also, i know i'm not totally innocent but i don't think i deserved that kind of treatment...? Or is this how marriage is suppose to be? Submissive and tolerative?

*Also, i have no political affiliation to either side so his "political" argument is stupid and my meme was just to be dumb (clarification that i am not a trump supporter).

*He refuses ANY form of counseling because he told me that they would try to put him on meds for being bipolar schizophrenic or anger medication and that he'll never do that.

My husband and i have been arguing for weeks over stupid petty shit. Well the other day he flipped out and screamed at me telling me i needed to apologize to him for talking down to him. It started with him not picking up his trash. So i asked him to pick it up and he said no ill pick it up when i want to. He just leaves food bowls and all of his trash lying around. Well that didn't go down well and he DEMANDED an apology for the way i was speaking to and disrespecting him. So i said I'm not apologizing for being treated like a maid. He then said he did absolutely nothing wrong and that i was 100% in the wrong. So i gave a half ass apology to get him to stop. Well fast forward to TODAY.

So today he texted me saying all this.

He wasn't "joking" about the way he said for pizza and it pissed me off.

So he called me twice and then accused me of having someone over?

Then he got home for lunch.

When he first came through the door he kicked me and said "DONT YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" And i was like wtf stop being so agressive and he was like "YOU'RE MAKING ME AGGRESSIVE! DONT YOU EVER DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!" He said "oh i know why you're acting like this, it's probably because of facebook. Because youre on facebook too much and have all this political nonsense in your head and you think you can do anything because you're a woman. Fucking disgusting."

Then he told me to leave and stay with my parents For the weekend and leave our son with him.

He also said to leave the car here (we just bought it) because it's in HIS name and he'll turn right around and sell it so fast.

He Kept calling me a "SHIT PERSON AND A SHIT PARTNER FOR YEARS!!" And that i was abusive and manipulative.

He left to back to work and didn't say anything to me. He did all this while eating the pizza that i made for him. And he said that he would have been pissed if i wouldn't have made it.

So if this is real life... I am now homeless, car-less and have no job (because i'm in an internship from 7-330 everyday to finish my degree to have my career). My parents watch our son and i know that if we do split up that he will demand he go to daycare and then demand that i pay half of it.

I dunno what to do. Help.