What is your take on anal sex?

Hello all. I was wanting to know what your take on anal sex was? My SO is always wanting it. We have done it once but I didn't really like the feeling it gave me. I feel like im failing him bc I don't really like it. Can anyone give me advice please or your take on what you think about it.
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I'll be odd one out here and admit that I actually enjoy it. I don't know where some people get their information but I have never once smelled or seen poop during or after anal. I definitely have to be in the mood for it, though. You're not failing anyone by not doing something that you don't like. That's your right, and don't feel bad for it. 


Heather • Nov 20, 2015


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I'll be the odd woman out. I enjoy it.. With my husband. Others have tried before and I hated it. I don't know if it's just because of the fit or the warming up he does before, but it feels awesome. I couldn't do it daily, nor would he... But I think some things aren't always meant for everyone! But no, I don't shit on him and it doesn't stink lol. 


Heather • Nov 20, 2015
Lol I saw yours just now!! No shit (pun intended)! Of course you're gonna want to clean up afterwards. As with any sex 😄


April • Nov 20, 2015
I enjoy it too. And only with my SO. We don't do it often but it is a nice treat.


Angela • Nov 20, 2015
hahahaha!!! u 2 are funny! lol!


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Love it, but only with my current partner. WAY more intimate because it is so much more sensitive, there has to be a LOT of trust and confidence in your partner. But when you're into it, holy shit it is amazing!


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I always said it was gross and never would try it. My ex and I could do it but we had to work our way up to him being able to put he's penis in. And a couple of times I actually enjoyed it but my husband and I haven't been able to do it. I guess he's bigger and I just can't do it. But I have been told if you really relax and take your time it can work and many women in enjoy it. I always had to be really relaxed and tons of foreplay before I could even try. 


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Don't try and just put his penis in the first time. Try very slowly and with alot of lube, a small vibrator or a finger. Work your way up. It's actually kinda nice 9 nice you get used to it. But if you really don't like it, don't let him make you feel bad about it. It's not a big deal and he'll get over it.


Maggie • Nov 20, 2015
once, not 9 nice. whoops


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Everyone is different. I have tried it and didn't like it. My bf has asked me to try with him I just told him I didn't like the way it felt and he said okay. There was NO smell at all and no poop.


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That's nasty.. never done it before and would never.. dont know how they shit after.. that sex must smell like shit..


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I find it nauseating - there's nothing fun or enjoyable about it ... explore some other options he might enjoy, don't do something you don't want to


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I hate it


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It was good for a while then it got uncomfortable. Hubby has learned to stop asking because it's not going to happen. I don't feel bad about it.