My doctor says it’s fine that my period stopped but I want to go on birth control.

Years ago I had a regular BLOODY period. Now I have no period at all (has been like this for 2 almost three years now) just discharge. My doctor says it’s fine did some blood tests said everything is normal. I love life without a period because I don’t have to wear pads or whatever. But I’m at the age where I’m about to have sex since I feel like I’m ready for it. But my worst fear is getting pregnant. So my true dilemma is if I take birth control I’ll be back to normal again. This sounds very first world problem lol. But seriously how should I go about this. I know condoms are protection but I’m not about risks. I’m pretty inexperienced with this stuff. Sometimes I wonder if my doctors are keeping something from me or they just don’t know what’s up with my body. I just wanna figure myself out before I start giving myself away. Lol this all sounds stupid. Would love anyone’s input really.