Time Away


My boyfriend is in the National Guard and he left for a training on Sunday. The first few days suckedddd so much, we live together & do everything together so I was really missing him but as the time goes on (today’s like the 6th day), I don’t feel as miserable. Is that normal? I’m afraid that I’m learning to live without him, in the sense that its not affecting me like it did when he first left and it’s only the 6th day. We have been talking a lot more than those first few days and I still get super excited when we’re on facetime, I just don’t know if that’s a bad thing??

I still get excited when we talk on the phone & I’m always waiting for his text messages and his calls but my time doesn’t suck without him is that okay?? I love him with my whole heart & we’re talking about getting married next year, I just wonder if anyone else has gone through something similar?