Growing the family

My husband and I have a soon to be 2 year old. I've always wanted to have more children. At first I wanted 3, but I would be happy with 2. My husband is on board with having more, so that's not the problem. My hesitation is that he is very selfish with his time. He's always busy with work, or gym or just wanting to watch TV/play games. It is a rarity for him to join us on walks or any family activity. For him it's enough to watch TV together for "quality time". He works and I am a stay at home mom, but all the child care and home Care falls on me. He always says he will do more around the house. Or that he will be more involved with our child so that I can do some work from home (I'm trying to make time for a freelance business). Something alwayyyys comes up as to why he can't help.

We have conversations often about how I need him to step up. He might some weekends do the dishes once, or load the washing machine and and for him that's enough contribution. It drives me nuts!!!

I want another baby, but I'm scared to resent my husband more if he continues to not help me at home!

Our current child brings so much joy. He's cuddly, sweet and playful. He is very attached to me, I'm the only one he will settle for at night and the one he's constantly asking to be held by. He is also very social and loves a little baby doll he has. I'm thinking he will love being a big brother. I'm also bit scared if he doesn't handle the transition to sharing mom 😬

Anyone ever been in this position?