Breakup? (Read description first)

Mez • +they/them+ If my name changes it’s just part of my identity crisis🙃

I know if I hear his voice I won’t be able to do it and he never picks up anyway, he always cancels everything so it might be another month or two until i see him again, and I know text is a shitty way to go...

I don’t know what to do! I still love him and I see a future between us, but he never gives me attention except when we hang out (which happens only once every couple months and he never calls it a date, always “hanging out” but I feel so happy when I’m with him). He always ghosts me, I’m not happy, and I’m so hurt that even after I told him that we have to communicate more, it only worked for a few weeks before he started doing it again. I want to fix it but it’ll probably only be temporary. I just need someone who cares enough to start conversations and ask me out once in a while or just be single

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