Driving us around everywhere is bothering me a bit :/

Some suggestions needed please 😕

My ex and I rekindled our relationship at the beginning of the year. I initiated we start dating again and he eventually agreed. I’ve been driving us on dates roughly 95% of the time this year. He has taken us out probably 3 times.

At first I was okay with it but I also mostly paid for the food and such. We’re college students and currently not working.

He owns a car but has had issues with it and it has a lot of miles so he doesn’t wanna drive it anymore for the time being.

I feel embarrassed asking him to drive because he’s already told me why he isn’t using his car. But at the same time I don’t want to do it 100% of the time until he buys a new car or fixes his current one.

He hasn’t taken me out on a special date (even something simple) or really made me feel special this entire time we’ve been dating.

I don’t want to be a bad gf or seem selfish so I really feel stuck and need some advice.