Autism ?

Hey everyone, no judgement please. I’m only posting to see other people’s opinions so if you plan to downplay someones opinion or personal experience please do not comment...

My son is currently 20 months and I believe he’s showing signs of autism. Him not talking isn’t a big concern to me because my little sister is 2 and just started talking so I know it takes time but here are other things he does

-flapping his hands, clinching his hands and it seems like he’s seizing up. The first time he did it, it freaked me out. (This is the most concerning to me because it literally looks like a seizure)

-makes no eye contact and actively avoids it

-bangs his head on the wall, spins in circles

-not attempting to talk

-does not like physical contact

-does not point to things

-doesn’t seem to understand what anyone is saying

-doesn’t respond to his name

-line all his toy cars up against the back of the couch and doesn’t want other people touching them

-only sound he makes is “mmmm”, refuses to open his mouth

-very picky eater. he literally picks apart things into tiny pieces

-no sense of danger, will jump off the back of the couch, cry and then do it again (does this on multiple surfaces)

-he’s also VERY hyper

-doesn’t want to participate in activities. I’ve seen him put a ball in his basketball goal when he’s alone but if I attempt to play with him he only wants me to put the ball in and refuses to even try and do it himself (pulls his hands away from me)

I’m trying so hard but I break down into tears because I don’t know what to do. I read to him, I say the same words to him everyday and try to do activities but he doesn’t want to do anything. He’ll cry for hours at a time and I can’t figure out what’s wrong.