Soooo, it has been over a year since my Narcissist ex cheated and I dumped him

Deb 🙏 hopeful romantic 🇺🇲🇬🇧🇬🇹🇵🇷

Since freeing myself from that pig and moving on, I met an amazing man whom I adore and treats me exactly the way I've been wanting, needing and more. The Narcissist ex tried to "track me down" calling my friends, getting blocked, then contacting my children, after being blocked and using many different numbers, even telling my children their mother is a cheater because he was told I'm with a new and great man. I changed my phone number and he flipped and called my friends and children even more. I filed a complaint of harassment and he was charged and this week the court informed him that if he so much as even looks my way, or if I smell him, he will be arrested and charged, bc as of Thursday, going forward, the court will see him as a threat and I should too and they will not put up with his concerning behaviour.

My boyfriend and I feel relieved that this is finally over and we may continue to build our new life and family together... my new man even asked me my ring size and he brings up marriage and loving me a lot and wanting to protect me and my children, which he has already expressed loving as his own. Good things do come after the horrible storms, and God does bless us. Be strong, the suffering does come to an end and you can be victorious and freed from toxic relationships, please do not ignore the signs and do not excuse your abuser... God knows I did for 5 long years and finally met my wonderful and beautiful man, my match in every way. I know it's difficult to leave a Narcissist, I've been there and know the mind games and control over you are strong, but you're worth a life of love and happiness. I wish you all the best, Luvvies! Besos

I leave you with some silly, but very loving pics of my partner and me on a day out 🤠

I'm just so happy!!!!!☺️😉