Frustrated and a little sad 🥺


My period returned in may (my baby boy was 5 months at the time) we decided to start trying then since it took us over 2 years to get our first baby.

I tracked ovulation in may and on 9/10dpo I got a very very faint line and was so happy it happened that fast!! But then the line didn’t get stronger from day to day when I kept testing and eventually I got my period a week late 🥺 (the tests had gotten negative before)

Again we tried June and i had 11 days of high (on clear blue digital advanced) when I finally got my peak on cd 25 or something. I tested on 12dpo and got a positive (faint line) in beginning of July. Waited for 3 more days and tested again and it was so positive!! But that same day I started bleeding and be the next morning it was a full on period 🥺

We didn’t actively try in august but my cycle was 40+ days in july/august.

I was <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> again this month and got my peak on cd 15 (few days earlier then I expected) we had been having sex at least every other day before that and did have sex day of my peak and then at home insemination day after and then sex day and days after that... here I am on 12dpo and have a BFN!! I told my hubby I’m willing to try again next month if he takes his vitamins too which he didn’t do this month... I just don’t want to be trying for many many months and always be disappointed when it doesn’t happen... 🥺

Thank you for reading if you got this long!!

But I also have a question.. I’m clearly ovulating even though I’m breastfeeding but is breastfeeding messing up the chance of getting pregnant or it sticking?? If that makes sense.. just asking since I have had 2 times positive that goes away🥺