HCG not doubling


I had a positive home pregnancy test on 9/19 and my first beta/bloodwork on 9/22 (conceived naturally after 3+ years after our first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> cycle was cancelled due to high estrogen levels on CD4.) I’m approximately 5 weeks now. My first beta on 9/22 was 1559. I was out of town for a few days and just went back in this morning for my 2nd beta and my HCG was only 4000.

The doctor called this afternoon and they think it is either not viable or ectopic and I have an ultrasound and additional bloodwork scheduled for tomorrow morning.

I am trying to keep positive until we have the actual appointment but my mind is going in a million different directions, and feeling lost.

If anyone has any experience with this I would love to hear your feedback.