Just found out by a fake account his baby momma created that he has a 5 year old son. Idk what to do, oh and you’ll never guess how old she is

Oh I am beyond furious and have so much resentment towards him. My boyfriend of 2 years just turned 23 and everything was going great, we celebrating and my new cycle has happening soon as we just started trying. Everything felt great until I randomly get a message from some person I don’t know. It’s of this girl and my boyfriends brother messaging back and forth about how the kid does look like my boyfriend and how my boyfriend is in denial and my boyfriends dad has been taking care of the kid. She sends me pictures of the kid and how she knows my BF and shit you not the kid is a fucking clone. My boyfriend isn’t close to his dad so she told me to go check out my bfs dads page and sure enough for the past couple years he’s posted pictures and life events of this kid. Oh and he mentioned a lot how my BFs guardian his grandma has sent them money every month since the kid was born. So I call his grandma who is also an attorney, to confirm this and she says ya the baby momma has been claiming this for 5 years but it’s for sure not his. I’m confused THEN WHY ARE YOU PAYING FOR THIS KID AND WHY IS MY BIYFRIENDS DAD CARING FOR THIS KID IF ITS NOT RELATED????? So I ask my bf and his response was she was a hoe she was cheating that kid isn’t his. So I said take a DNA test and both him and his grandma said no. So finally his brother gives me the details and tells me the baby momma is 18 and a half! She was 13 when she had the kid and my bf was 18. And apparently her mom threatened to call the cops back then. I am so mad! I feel lied to betrayed and as if everything was a huge lie. An attorney is advising against a paternity test and denies it’s his kid but yet is paying for the kid and my bfs dad is letting the baby momma and kid live with him and keep claiming that’s his grandson??? This was the person I was thinking of marrying and was trying to have kids with. Idk what to do

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