Dear M

I can’t believe how messed up you have become. We were best friends since you were born. We grew up together and went through hard times together. You were always more than just a cousin to me. Once you decided to bully me and tell me to die i dropped you. I hated you for years until finally a couple years ago i started a new chapter in my life. I decided it was time to let go of the past and move forward. You apologized and i told you i’m not fully ready to forgive you but i still am grateful for the apology. I truly felt like we were starting to rekindle our friendship until you started becoming a whole different person. I supported you when you got jumped by multiple people. I tried being there when people slashed your tires and scratched horrible names on your car. I was there for you when your multiple drug problems came to light. I was there when your family found out about your eating disorder too. I tried to help you this weekend by talking to you and being there for you but you smoked pot behind my back and snuck out of the house while trying to take care of you and all three dogs since your parents went out of town. You literally broke into the house while my mom was inside and tried to say you didn’t do anything wrong. You skipped your out patient rehab again which is the 4th time now. You don’t understand that your actions are going to have major consequences. I’m done trying to help. I told you politely that i love you and pointed out your mistakes are going to have horrible results in the end. That’s the best thing i can do for you. Live your life the way you want to but just know that i won’t be there for you anymore. I have to take care of myself instead.