Any dream experts?

So this doesn’t have to do with trying to conceive or being pregnant but I just want peoples opinions on it. I had a dream the other night, and it has been haunting me for the past two days now. I’ve looked up a few interpretations of what parts of it mean but I want a few more opinions. I’ve had dreams of falling and wrecking my car and stuff before and have been ok after, never paid any attention to them. This, this was so real at the end. And the location is a real one even though there is no construction as you will hear about in a minute.

My husband and I are driving around our town. We turn to go down this road that has a bridge that is over train tracks. There is construction work and literally NO bridge. But there is a ramp. He speeds up, hits the ramp, we make it across the gap, no problem. In the same dream it’s another day, same routine. Hit ramp, make it across. Another day, same. Finally we turn to go down the same road. There is a construction worker walking across the road. My husband gets impatient and swerved around him and speeds up, but doesn’t notice the ramp is gone. I try to tell him, he says let him drive, presses the gas more. When he realizes the ramp is gone it’s to late. I feel the car tip, feel the car start to go over, I see the tracks below, and then I wake up.

And then the scary thing is yesterday when he was on his way home he’s talking to me and is angry at a driver and blows the horn and revs up to go around them. And he tells me this even though I can already hear it happen. I felt like someone walked across a grave I swear. So any insight into this and the meaning, I’d appreciate it. And if you are only going g to say that dreams are just a collection of stuff you brain hasn’t processed from the previous day keep in mind my husband and I haven’t ridden together in quite a while especially in the car he was in. It was totally random, having no direct relation to anything that has happened ever. Thanks in advance!