8 years.

I think I’m going to leave my boyfriend of 8 years. We have a home together and have a young baby together. I’m unhappy everyday. The love is gone I feel. It’s just like living with a friend. We haven’t had sex in 2 months. I have no sex drive towards him. He doesn’t come near me unless he’s trying to have sex or he is giving me a kiss hello/goodbye. There’s no romance, everyone is getting married and I feel like if he felt like I was the one he would have proposed already years ago when things were better. I’m on maternity leave and don’t get paid enough for rent. Any advice on what to do? Claim single from the government (we are common law currently), but do I apply for spousal support? I feel like I’m stealing his income by making him pay for me when we aren’t together because I’m not getting an income right now. I feel trapped like I’m just staying in this relationship because I don’t know how to get out of it and where I’m suppose to go. We would sell the house and split the profit but I still wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for anything with my wages. Please any advice would be helpful. He’s a good man. He just doesn’t know how to love someone, to make them feel worthy. I can’t even read people’s posts on here because when I see one about a man appreciation and how much they love them I’m just like why can’t I feel like that.. so in love. I’m 33 with a baby and going to be single mother. I feel worthless and undesirable.

*edit- Sorry I cant reply to anyone and stay anonymous. I’m in Canada so it might be a bit different here for the laws, and also I have talked to him, told him I’m unhappy and need affection and love and feel like he doesn’t care anymore etc and nothing has ever changed.