Psycho roommate PART 1: if you searched it’s this post

So I’ve lived with this girl for almost two months. She has no idea how to take care of her food, clean, do dishes. Nothing. I’ve tried helping her, but she just ignores it. Her boyfriend also essentially lives with us rent free, and no the landlord does not know, and the fridge is filled with their food. There’s a third girl but she mostly lives with friends.

Recently a fourth girl moved in so currently 5 people live here.

Monday she sent a bunch of texts to our new group chat:

Red is her, blue is the new girl. Yellow is her BF and green is the other roommate

She essentially is just doesn’t want to clean up her own messes and wants other people to. I’d understand her being upset, but then today I go upstairs to get breakfast and see this:

Eggs, cheese, food everywhere, ALL HERS FROM 2 HOURS AGO.

The only thing that’s mine is the milk on the counter cause I was making coffee.

She also uses my food and other things without asking, and stole my vacuum from my room to VACCUM HER BATHROOM.


I’m only here till November, I’m trying to keep my cool, but she keeps going “haha I’m so quirky, look at me, I’m so nice but can’t do anything by myself.”