Tired of being pregnant

This is my 3rd pregnancy and i dont like being pregnant. I love my kids but i feel so bad during pregnancy. Im always in a bad mood. I see how annoying people are. I vomit all the time, i gain weight even though i take care of myself. With my first pregnanacy i had preeclampsia and none of my shoes fit, even the w sizes. I was so distracted i had a car crash with my first two pregnancies. With my second i had gestational diabetes. Had a muscle strain in my back, the doctors told me they couldn't do anything because I was pregnant, just to take some medicine for the pain, that i didn't had because i was scare that it would affect my baby. When the baby is big it hits you so hard it seems your ribs are going to break. Right now i have horrible headaches, extreme nausea, my body aches, i wake up so many times during the night to go to the restroom, sometimes i cry for dumb reasons. Last week i went grocery shopping and i vomit in the meat department by the horrible fish smell. people just stare at me, and i just left feeling so embarrassed, i didn't wanted to stay any longer. What is so cool of being pregnant? I hear people say they love being pregnanat and i dont know how they like it. Like i say i love my kids but i would just love to skip all this pregnancy. Please dont judge is just how i feel. Im sure im not the only one feeling this way.