Sound like a vanishing twin? *Disturbing photo*

So, heres my story. Due date May 14th 2021

September 24th I had blood clots and a lot of bleeding come out, i rushed to the hospital once the clotting ended. They examined me and and did a quick ultrasound, and with surprised faces told me that there is still a baby in there and requested that i came back two dates later for blood test to see if my levels went up. (They were at 5300) I went in two days later and they went up to 6800, which she mentioned was not as high as she expected, she said she was looking more towards a miscarriage at this point, because they did not double, but still went ahead and did a fast ultrasound, and says “oh, wow. I’m very sure i do see a heartbeat” but didn’t wanna get my hopes up too high until i went to my actual ultrasound appointment which was 2 days later, (yesterday) I went to that, and the baby is doing great, there is a heart beat! My HCg levels are where they need to be, as the doctor i saw yesterday had said that after 7 weeks they don’t double anymore. The only thing they saw was that there was a blood clot behind the placenta but it doesn’t seem to be harming the baby whats so ever! I am still currently bleeding as if it’s a regular period which i mentioned to them, but it doesn’t seem to concern them. They never once mentioned twins or anything but what else would cause this clotting and bleeding? I had 2 miscarriages in the past and this seemed very similar, cramping while i was bleeding and everything.

Sorry about the disturbing photo.

Im just so curious to see if anyone else been through something like this, or whats your thoughts on this.
