Waiting for 7Week Ultrasound, HCG Drop


I had my first beta on 9/22 and my HCG came back at 1559. My next one on 9/28 (we were traveling for a few days and had to push back) was 4900. The doctor called me concerned with the rise since it wasn’t doubling 48-72 hrs and said there was a very good chance the pregnancy was ectopic or not viable and advised to schedule another beta and ultrasound for the next day.

I was a nervous wreck going into that appointment fearing the worst. The ultrasound showed I was about 5w6d and we could see the gestational sac, yolk sac and fetal pole but no heartbeat yet. This seemed to be such good news in the moment that the pregnancy was progressing but I still had to get my most recent beta #s back.

I got a call from the doctor later that afternoon stating my last hcg came back at 4700 (these were only 24hrs apart) and this definitely wasn’t a good sign. Back to being a nervous wreck again!

I am now waiting for my next ultrasound on 10/7 (7w), praying for a heartbeat but having a hard time believing we still have a chance. I might just be in my head but I feel like some of my symptoms are lessening and it scares me.

We tried for 3+ years before this and were about to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. This is such a rollercoaster and the waiting game is so hard!

Anyone have any tips for getting through that time between ultrasounds?