Begging for some advice


Hello ladies, we started the meds for our egg donor <a href="">IVF</a> cycle yesterday. This is all very bittersweet for me as I am still mourning the idea of not having my own biological children. It feels strange.. the idea of my husband “having a child” with another woman. I am seeing a therapist, but I need some advice, stories, anything. I don’t have any friends who have gone through this, and I had to delete Facebook because of all of the pregnancy announcements I couldn’t take it anymore. They will be thawing the donor’s eggs, and if 2 make it to day 5, then they will transfer 2 embryos. 🦋 thanks in advance for your help. (I am 24, I have endometriosis and diminished ovarian reserve and low egg quality. We’ve already done <a href="">IUi</a>’s and <a href="">IVF</a> and nada.)