I need some advice!!

Dakota • Team 🐧 cycle buddies🤘🏻Married💍 No babies yet💔 Been TTC since 2018💜 Dog Mom🐶 Just started fertility treatment. 🤞🏻

Sooo I’ve been TTC for almost two years now. I’ve been tracking my period since just before my husband & I started TTC (October 2018). He’s in the military so the first year/year and a half of us trying was basically whenever we could between my schedule & his. He recently started going back to school full time (online) & I lost my job due to COVID. Therefore, we are home together all the time & obviously really focused in on TTC.

Since I’ve been tracking my period (September 2018) I’ve NEVER been more that 4 days late, I’m currently on day 7. I’ve been testing since day 4 & they all come up negative. Is there any possible way I’m pregnant & just not able to get a positive test? Could it be too early? Has this ever happened to anyone before? I’ve been consistently working out, could that be affecting my cycle? Should I schedule a DR’s appointment tomorrow, or is it too soon?

Thanks to whoever reads this through & give their input!