Recently I have been very sexually active and I personally like being shaved, I feel cleaner. I don’t enjoy the process of shaving everything but I like the after product. Recently I feel like I’ve maybe been shaving too frequently? 1. My hairs grow back extremely fast 2. My vaginal area has gotten darker and I assume its from shaving (i dont like it at all) 3. I’ve had an increase in vaginal bumps/many ingrown hairs and big lumps under my skin usually in the bikini line. It’s very uncomfortable and I’m not feeling the most confident down there. Any tips would help. I have tried everything. I have tried using new razors every time, leaving shaving as the last thing to do when in the shower, letting the area soak in water, plucking out the curled ingrown hairs, shaving against the grain, shaving in the same direction as the hairs, etc etc. but nothing seems to help and its frustrating. I just want a pretty vagina. I’ve never had this many ingrowns or vaginal “issues” in my life🤦🏻‍♀️PLEASE HELP