15 month old refuses to sleep help


I have a 15 month old son and I'm 36 weeks with #2. Its 1am and my 15 month old is still up. This is a every night thing lately. Iv tried no naps , extra nap, every light and tv off in the house, walking out the room for a minute, and so many more. Hes tired to the point he'll fall asleep anywhere if he could but doesn't like to. I cosleep so he can get out the bed by himself. He climbs out and runs around laughing at me the whole time. Tonight he laughed the whole time he pulled everything out of his dresser that he could reach. He then started dumping his bottle ( lost his cup today had to improvised) so I took it away. He then runs around the room hitting the walls and doing everything he can but lay down. I normally get so frustrated I get loud and stern. He just laughs I mean this boy literally laughs at me the whole freaking time. Hes normally not like this but the last 2 weeks have been hell when it comes to nap or bed time. I fight him for hours until his dad has to step in and put him to bed. I just don't understand it. Is this normal? I feel like hes starting to hate me when all I do is love him. I'm so wore out.

* crying out method is no for us. And a crib / bed of his own isnt possible right now with the small room we have. *