34 weeks and labor

I am 34 weeks and 3 days and have been struggling with preterm labor from about 25 weeks or so. That said went in last night due to painful long contractions and were 3 min apart. Gave me fluid and 2 doses of procardia (sp?) And it only slowed them to 5-7 min apart I am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I am so frustrated and concerned cause now I don't wanna go in again if they get closer again. I don't want her to be this early but I can hardly function with these stupid contractions. Dr's want me to get to 35 weeks then they won't stop labor any more. I am so tired physically and emotionally I feel like I'm going crazy. Please don't take this as I want a preemie I have 3 other kiddos at home 1 of which was a late preterm baby but I don't know how much more I can take of this.