Braxton Hicks vs Contractions

Kaitlin • Together since September 2008, married October 25, 2014. Pregnant with baby number one, due January 2016! :-) ♡
Hi ladies, I am 32 weeks and I have been having a real hard time the past few weeks. My blood pressure has been through the roof, so I have been having weekly appointments, blood tests and ultrasounds every other. At this point they're trying to keep me pregnant as long as possible. I'm not on bed rest YET, I'm at least hoping to get through finals in two weeks. But anywho, my question is, how can you tell Braxton's from real contractions? At my ultrasound Monday they said she was 4.5 lbs already and was in position ready to go already! I've been having cramping, pelvic pain, and almost like my labia is numb. It's been going on for about 1o days now but more frequently as the days go by. I have no lost my mucous plug and I have not had fluid leaks that I'm aware of. Is this pressure and pain Braxton's or should I be worried?