Dear anonymous

How do you try to get over things that trigger you ? Without giving too much info I don't like to be tickled, my partner to smell my fingers (he started thay trigger) and I hate corcs/balloons popping. Anyways, I know they sound silly and dramatic but I get really upset when my fiance knows these things but says he can't help it. I understand some of those things are normal but the things I have been through and the one that he did really bothers me. And its so annoying to both of us. He can't be silly when it comes to those things and I can't just be normal and brush it off or allow it. But there are times when he tries to do these things and I get really upset and he then makes me feel guilty because he says thanks for ruining the moment . Well, you know I don't like certain things, why and how I react. And he slips up now and then. I just want to be normal and not feel like this. I want us to have a nice time. There are times where I feel like he does this as a game. Like he pretends hes going to my triggers to me or he does it and just says that hes sorry and he couldn't resist.