Help!! I don’t want to lie, but not ready to tell yet


I sent my family a picture on Snapchat of my son doing downward facing dog. I’ve been doing a lot of prenatal yoga lately and my kids like to play along. One of my cousins replied to the picture “you know the superstition right?” [i had no idea]. A quick google search showed me that kids looking through their legs means they are “looking for their sibling”... and their world is turned upside down. So that means I’m pregnant (which I am, but nobody knows except my husband and you ladies....)

. She told me she thinks I’m pregnant now. She keeps telling me to go buy a test, and that this superstition is always true. My family is so gossipy, they aren’t gonna let this go. I tried telling her it’s just him watching me do yoga, and she keeps telling me I’m pregnant. Gahhh!!! And I don’t want to lie, but I’m not ready to tell people until 12 weeks... how would you respond?