Car accident

So we got side swiped this morning in our way to bring my daughter to school.  this guy just decided to flore it as I was passing by him at an intersection..he hit our car so hard I lost control for a bit as the car got thrown across the road.. He hit the rear drivers side door and tire where my son (he's 3 months) sits. He was checked out at the doctors & my daughter (4) hasn't complained of any aches or pains. I have some kneck pain but hoping it goes away this weekend. We got our daughter a new car seat & we're planning on getting a new one for our son. It's awful cause now were without a car. It's so frustrating!! U can't even explain the fear & anxiety I feel for my kids. I can't imagine how they feel & what especially my daughter must be going threw. I wish I could take it back I feel so awful. Just needed to vent. My husband is only concerned with the money aspect of it at the moment so that's frustrating. He's dweling on it to our daughter. Which I kinda wanna forget about it & stop talking about it with her. I don't want her to think of it as something good she gets attention for. I also want to know weather she has injuries. I don't want her just saying things to get the attention. UGH. I feel like a horrible person. I hope this goes away soon. 😩