Good sleeping babies?



For the good sleeping babies out there, do they still nap during the day? How long? Breastfeeding or Formula? How much baby food?

My son is almost 8 months. He’s breastfeeding and eats about 4oz of purées a day. Naps for about 2 hours during the day. Goes to bed around 8pm but still gets up around 10pm, 1am and 4am... then is up for the day around 6/7am.

He’s never really slept all night except when he was sick. I also want to add that he’s such a happy baby so he doesn’t act like he’s not getting enough sleep but this momma definitely is not. 😞

I’m just curious how we might be able to change things up to help.

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Posted at
Can I just say... I learned this the hard way with my first. She was breastfed. And VERY. FAT. Whe woke up every 3 hours, until she was maybe 8 months old to nurse. I kept thinking, shes hungry. If she's waking up to eat, she has to be hungry. I FINALLY realized my 20lb 8 month old was not hungry. She was on a schedule and it was habit! So instead of feeding her when she would wake up in the night, I started just rocking briefly and putting her back to bed.... she started waking g up less and less, and then was sleeping through the night! It was amazing. I couldn't believe it took me so long to figure out it was habit. So with my second, I definitely did things differently, sooner, and he was sleeping through the night months earlier!


Brandi • Oct 17, 2020
For sure!!


Sarah • Oct 16, 2020
I hope you figure it out. Its exhausting not getting a full nights sleep for that long!


Brandi • Oct 16, 2020
His* more*


Posted at
My LO sleeps 730-630 is exclusively BF and eats purées 3 times a day. Takes 2 naps a day for a total of 2.5-3 hours daytime sleep. Wake windows 3-4 hours during the day. We sleep trained at 4 months and moved him into his own room.


Posted at
baby girl is 8 months, formula fed, she stopped purées about a month ago, so I give her whatever we’re having (just very very small bites), some food in the silicone self feeder, or the Gerber puffs/yogurt melts. She eats about 4 oz of formula every 2 hours. At bedtime she’ll take 8 oz. she wakes up 7/7:30, first nap is 3 hours after wake time, and an hour and a half long, second wake window is 3h-3h15m; then naps for 1.5-2h. I just make sure she’s up by 5 for 8-8:30 bedtime! We do bath & lotion almost every night. I try to take them (2.5 year old sister) outside for at least a half hour everyday.


Jennifer • Oct 18, 2020
Nope! She’s been in her own room since 5 months. I would have move her sooner but we were in the process of moving.


Brandi • Oct 15, 2020
Does she sleep in the same room as you?


Brandi • Oct 15, 2020
Thank you!


Posted at
8 month old is breast fed. She’s also on 3 meals a day, we do baby led weaning, so she eats what I eat but in smaller portions. Bedtime is 7pm and wake up is 7am... however she wakes multiple times through the night, and I always offer her boob. We bed share, which makes the night waking easier. Some nights are harder than others, but I follow groups that remind me that night feeds are important and not just for ‘hunger’ - so I’ll continue what we are doing as long as she wants it.


Brandi • Oct 17, 2020
It’s good to hear I’m not alone! ❤️


Posted at
My son sleeps from @7 to 6:30. He is formula fed. He’s a big boy. He eats 6-8 oz 4 times a day and then 3 “meals” a day of small food like chopped banana, avocado or eggs and then yogurt or purée. He naps twice a day and usually for 45 minutes or so.


Brandi • Oct 15, 2020
Thank you!


Posted at
My son is 7 and half months and is formula fed. He normally wakes up between 6 - 7 am and will have a 240ml bottle and go back to sleep for another hour. Then around 10ish I'll give him another bottle with less formula (180ml) and then he'll have his breakfast (weetbix mixed with baby rice cereal and almond butter). Then he will nap around 12 for 1h. Next feed around 2pm ish with another bottle (180ml) and then lunch which is fruit, egg or 120g pure. He will go down for his last nap around 3.30 ish and I always make sure he doesn't sleep past 5pm. Then it's dinner which is normally puree and a bottle of 180ml and he will be ready for bed around 7.30 to 8pm and sleeps til the next day.


Brandi • Oct 15, 2020
Thank you!


Posted at
Up for the day at 730am 730am- up and breastfed 10am- 4oz purée 11am- nap 1230- up from nap and breastfed (typical time) 2pm- 4oz purée 330pm- nap5pm- up from nap and breastfed (typical time) 630pm- 4-8oz purée 8pm- breastfed and bed She will sleep until 730-830 without waking up So she sleeps 12 hours overnight uninterrupted and takes 2 1.5 hour naps. And this is our schedule 🙂 she also has water with her purées or her poops get kinda hard Some things that helped me with overnight were moving her to her own room, getting a sound machine, putting her in overnight diapers, and the zen sleep sack