Gallstones at 27 Weeks


So I had posted on here the other day about me having really bad rib pain that I thought was my baby becoming more active. Well that rib pain was joined with horrible upper back pain and upper abdominal pain. I felt like I couldn’t breathe and any position I tried to lay in didn’t relieve it.

I finally told my husband to bring me to the ER. While I was there signing in I got lightheaded from the pain and told the nurse just in time for her to grab a bag that I was going to be sick. I had shakes and cold sweats.

Once they got me back to OB, they took a urine sample and hooked me up to a fetal monitor to monitor baby and make sure she was ok. It felt like they were taking forever. The pain was unbearable. I was begging God to just take away the pain for a little bit.

The nurses came back in and asked questions. Throughout the time there I’ve thrown up several more times. They finally find a good enough vein to hook up an IV and take some blood. She tried to give me some medicine to settle my stomach acid to help with the nausea but I quickly threw that up too. They said there was not much they could do until they could get lab work back and have an ultrasound done.

Finally around mid night an ultrasound lady came in and monitored our baby first, she was perfect. She was so active the entire time that it actually made my pain worse. She then checked my abdomen, took some pictures, and left.

After this they told us to try and sleep that we would be there over night. My husband fell asleep on the couch but I couldn’t sleep with the pain. I woke my husband up twice by me retching stomach acid into bags. He was there every time to help me. The fetal monitor was too tight the entire time but they said they needed it to be tight due to my AP the baby’s HR was hard to hear.

Finally at 5AM the nurse came in and gave me some medicine that took away the pain and knocked me out. It was such a relief. At 7 she came in and said it was gall stones and that my doctor wanted to see me Thursday to discuss my options. We finally went home at 10am and I have been back in pain for two days now.

I meet with my doctor today to discuss the removal of my gall bladder. I’m terrified to have a surgery while pregnant.

Anybody know or personally had gall stones while pregnant and what treatment options were taken?