Positive induction stories ❤️


So I’m STILL pregnant and I’m in so much pain I’ve finally decided to get induced. I’m scheduled to go in Monday (unless I go into labor naturally this weekend). I was induced with my 1st baby as well and had planned to have a natural birth but after being in labor for 17 hours (water had broke & she had to come within 24hrs or I was having a c section) I decided to get the epidural. I hated the side effects from the epidural and am REALLY praying I can have the strength to go naturally this time. Please any mamas that have had a positive natural birth when being induced with pitocin, can you tell me your story? I’m trying to think positive and go in this knowing I CAN do it! 🙏 I know each pregnancy is different and my midwife said your second labor is usually always quicker than the first.