Can’t commit to a girl name

Please help.

We are team green and have chosen a boy name.

I am looking for a girl name.

I like so far:

Meadow. Augusta. Paloma. Wren. Eden. Bronwyn. Sutton. Fallon. Hazel. Matilda. Collins. Juniper. Cleo. Winter. Olive. Aurora. Athena.

My husband likes:

Sutton. Hazel. Eddie. Augusta. Olive Ann. Ana (on-nah) Beth. Ana (On-nah) Elizabeth.

He really likes Ana and I’m pushing for Augusta. He likes Augusta, we just don’t know if there is a better one out there and that’s why we can’t commit.

Obviously our styles are very different, but he is open to a lot. I just don’t think we have found the right one for us.

Can you help us with a list of suggestions that are not super common, but spelled correctly and not made up?

Thank you.