30 weeks....

Anyone else scared of going into early labour? Also any ideas on how to make labour easier as I'm planning home birth
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No. Sorry. Can't relate to that fear. Mine are always "late".But I will say that relaxing during labor is key. Planning my second homebirth with this baby. My other homebirth was by far my favorite and my easiest. Using water is great. Whether you get a labor tub/pool or just spend time in the bath or shower it can be really helpful. Do what feels natural and don't overthink during labor. If you feel best moving then move. If laying down feels good then do that. Keep hydrated and eat if you get hungry. Above all just relax your mind and body and enjoy the experience. It really is like nothing else. :) 


Posted at
I'm planning on inducing for my family since I live out of the state my parents live in. If our baby boy comes before that then that's his plan and nothing I can do. My worry is that my hospital is 45 minutes away and wonder when I should head in if he does come on his own time.


Posted at
I've done early labor twice.. This time I'm not worried. Also home birth is wonderful with a doula....If money is an issue try a newly trained doula looking to get their three births for certification. They usually don't charge. I didn't.