
Hey so I just recently started my spiritual journey and i decided to buy crystals and some weird stuff has happened to me/the crystals and Idk who else to ask because to everybody else I’m just a the weird crystal spiritual girl that nobody takes seriously so first one is I slept with an amethyst crystal for a couple of days because it’s supposed to help with sleep and when I looked at it after a couple of days the inside/middle of it started to turn an Orange brownish color and idk what to think of that and the second thing actually just happened less than an hour ago and recently these past couple of weeks I’ve been dealing with my depression and my bf and I have been fighting a lot and I have been questioning if we should even be together so I held this rose quartz crystal in my hands and there’s this kind of sharp end at my crystal and when my right ring finger was pushed up against it it began to pulse and my ears were ringing the whole time I held this crystal and they tend to ring whenever I hold any crystals and overall my question about this is what does it mean? Is this bad or good? Should I be worried about it turning brown or my finger starting to pulse? Am I over thinking it? Can anyone give me some tips because im starting to feel like a crazy lady