EBF and starting solids

My daughter is 19 weeks and EBF. She gets bottles from her dad when I'm at work and breast when I'm home. I pump at work and always have to use my freezer stash because I can't pump enough. She has suddenly started waking up hungry several times a night when we had been almost sleeping through the night. 
I wanted to wait until 6 months to start solids, but I'm not opposed to starting now. I just am not sure where to start. I breastfeed her and put her to bed as soon as I get home, but I can't give her cereal that way and I don't want to give her a bottle. I'm open to baby led weaning but not really sure if that will keep her from waking up starving :( she's in the 49%ile for weight so not overeating. Sorry for the long post. Any tips would be nice :)