Is anybody baby rolling!!

My baby is 3 months (15 weeks today), if I put her on her side she will roil but she won’t do it on her own. She hits all her other milestones, she grabs her toys, will take a toy out your hand, smile and laugh all day and will pull her self up and recently if you go to pick her up she try to lift her up in excitement. But she not rolling over and idk if I should be worried or not or any of you ladies baby rolling over ( I’m a FTM and everting freaks me out I think I call the doc like once a week yikes)

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Posted at
My youngest is 16 weeks and isn’t remotely close to rolling over yet. My oldest did roll consistently until closer to 6 months


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He can roll but doesn’t consistently (almost 15 weeks). He will not reach for toys or grab them from my hand. I try really hard not to stress out about it and just keep providing the opportunities for him to do the things. It’ll happen!!


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My son is 17 weeks and 1 day. He is not rolling yet. But tbf, he doesn't get as much tummy time as he probably should because I have two clumsy toddlers who I worry will trip over or fall on him. My second son was rolling by 10 weeks. But my first son didn't roll until he was 5 months old. The one who rolled earlier was sitting by 5 months, while the later roller didn't sit until 7.5 months. And they both ended up crawling and walking at the same time (9 months and 12 months).


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My LO is 12 weeks and this week he started rolling from his stomach to his back.


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My LO is NOT rolling. He wasn’t even doing too well on tummy time either until one day he just did a little push up and held his head up for what seemed like minutes! I was soooo amazed! Worst part was my phone was no where near so I didn’t even get a video or pictures 😭I’ve looked up when they’re supposed to roll like 5 times and really the timeline can vary so much 🤷‍♀️


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My baby can roll from her tummy to her back that’s it.


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He will occasionally roll from his tummy to his back. He doesn’t do it all the time- usually when he’s mad that he’s stuck on his tummy 😆


Shannie • Oct 22, 2020
Lmao same 😂


Posted at
Mine isn’t rolling yet