Sad and venting

I feel my relationship is ending, and I'm so upset that everything has gone the direction it's gone. There's been smothering on his side and anger on mine. I'm just getting to the point where I feel like it's no ones fault, but knowing that we are just different and clash. I want to have a family someday. (I'm 33 and don't want to wait much longer to have one,) and I've always wanted the cut-off to be 35. I hear all the time there is a higher risk as far as pregnancies being harder, and more power to the women who have had children in their later years. I'm just scared. I'm scared that this man isn't the man I will have a family with. I know it sounds like priorities are backwards, but trust me, I will not have children with someone when both of us are not in sync. Just venting is all.