How's this for fuxked up?

Jayme • 17!

Alright, well start from around this time last year. Now, the last time my period was normal was 18th October 2014. My cycles were always 28 days. These are the dates of my cycles from that date onwards.

November 11

December 2

January 6

January 22 (morning after pill)

February 12

February 21 (morning after pill)

And this is where it regulated for 2-3 months.

March 21

April 18

May 15

And then I got a BFP HPT.

Went to the doctors and they said negative so I took 2 more HPT and both came up faint, visible but faint and one more positive then the other. Ever since May, I have had so many pregnancy symptoms it's not funny and ever since May, my periods have not been the same. My next ones were:

Next period due June 12, got it

June 11 (for 2 hours and very light)

June 13 (lasted 3 days)

Next period due July 10, got it

July 18 (8 days late)

Went to the hospital August 2 due to ovarian cyst and PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) and the ran an ultrasound and said that my uterine lining is too thick and that I'd have a bleed in the next couple of days. Weeeeeeeellll, I got my next period on August 6. And this mother fuxker lasted 17 damn days of completely drenching a pad every 15 minutes and walnut sized clots. It stopped on the 23 in the morning, came back again that night and lasted till the 25th. WTF right?

My next period came on

September 22, then October 12 and my next period was due November 9 but decided to drop in early on the 3rd. Then on the 20th of this month, I started bleeding lightly, it's still light but I'm hoping it leaves today because the stupid little bitxh wasn't supposed to show her ugly face until December 7 -.- can anyone tell me why this could be happening? ( if you didn't get bored and leave already )