Idk what to think!

My boyfriend and I have been ttc for 3 months. We both really want more kids we each have 1 from previous relationships. I have been told that I dont have many eggs left and this is why my period is so irregular. I was told it will be extremely hard to conceive. Last month I had a chemical and was heartbroken. I have talked to the doctor again and he still believe this will be very hard for us.

My boyfriend knows everything and last night I asked him how he would feel if we couldn’t have more children. I asked if he would be ok with it. He told me he hasn’t thought about it. I told him I think it’s something he needs to think about because he can still have kids and I’m the one with the issue. I don’t want to hold him back from anything and I want him to be happy. But now I’m struggling because I haven’t gotten a answer from him. I know he needs time to think but this has been on my mind since day one of being told it would be hard.

I truly feel broken. I’m trying to stay positive and give him time because this is not his fault but I feel so alone in this. I know he loves me but I’m trying not to let him see how bad I’m hurting because I don’t want to influence his decision. I still want to try but I also don’t want to drag this out or waist his time if he decides this is a deal breaker.