Does anybody know the date the conceived? Line progression



Does anybody else know the date they conceived?

I had unprotected sex on 03/10 and the first test was 11 days after on 14/10 then the second test was today on 24/10.

Will this make me 5 weeks today?

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Only go by your last known period if you have a somewhat regular cycle. If you are irregular, determine your ovulation date, usually by testing, and then subtract 14 days. This will tell you how far along you approximately are.Once you have a dating scan it may change too!


Bethany • Oct 24, 2020
My last period was 13/09 which would make me 6 weeks and I was due on the 12/10, however the only unprotected sex was on the 03/10 so I couldn’t be 6 weeks


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Go by the start date of your last period is what the doctors usually do. That would give you an estimated time frame.


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What's you LMP?


Elizabeth • Oct 24, 2020
The doctor will say you are six weeks until they do a dating scan. They will go by your LMP even if you know you only had sex on a particular day. Dates may change once you have a dating scan


Bethany • Oct 24, 2020
13/09 x