Rational or hormones?

These hormones are WILD so I need your guys help to determine whether I’m being rational or not in my feelings lol.

My partner and I made plans tonight to watch a movie at his place tonight (we don’t live together). He suggested it would be “around 7 or 8”. Of course I was ready at 7, he texted me and asked me what time I wanted to go over there, I said the sooner the better because I was starting to crash ¬ feel well. At 7:30 I asked him what time and he said 45 min. and then at 8 he said he’ll be home in 15 min. This man has been at this golf thing since 2:30 this afternoon just playing around. I know part of me is jealous because I would love to have the energy to do things like that, but I also made a point to be ready on time and make an effort and i feel like he’s not even trying to be home in time. The golf place is only like 10 minutes away so now I feel disrespected and don’t want to just jump up and go over there because he’s now available. Also, I’m extra comfy cuddling my pup on the couch so....

Am I blowing this out of proportion and I should go anyway? Or should I stay home for the night so he knows this is not okay?

(Posting anonymously because I’m embarrassed this is happening lol)