Spotting and cramping on and off for over a week

If my calculations are right I’m about 6-7 weeks now, and around a week after I found out I was pregnant, I started to cramp lightly and noticed reddish brown blood on the paper when I wiped. It’s been over a week now and it’s on and off with the cramps, not severe, on a scale of 1-10, they are like a 1 or 2 at most, and spotting still on and off...light enough I don’t need to wear a pad really(it’s not enough to bleed onto my clothes), but it’s still all so concerning to me. I have my first appointment on Tuesday because my insurance was being stupid and they couldn’t get me in sooner, and I’m so anxious. Anyone else have this happening to them? I’ve never been pregnant before and I just want our baby to be okay.