My story.

Kari • 36🙎🏻‍♀️ & 47🙎🏼‍♂️ /💍 2009 / Together 10years! Stepmom 2009 / Bio 👶🏻2016 / 👼🏻03/2018 👼🏻08/2018 /TTC W/ PCOS
I am currently 7weeks and 1day in. I can't believe it, I wake up every morning wondering if this is just a cruel joke. 
BG- I was told 14 years ago I wouldn't be able to get pregnant without the help of medical professionals. 
Chronic unexplained in-ovulation. 
In other words... I didn't ovulate and there was no medical explanation. All they knew was that my eggs never reached the size needed to cause ovulation. 
9 years ago I went through fertility treatments and artificial insemination unsuccessfully. After that I went through a huge depression and decided I couldn't go through that again. 
Here I am all these years later battling baby blues and coping. Sad that I would never give my husband children. 
Then 8 days late I took a test... The first ever positive test I've ever gotten! I took two more by the next morning just to be sure. My husband and I are in shock and disbelief, he had me take a pregnancy test every day for a week just to be sure. 
I'm scared to be excited but I can't contain the hope and excitement that we will have a healthy baby in the end of all of this. 
Praying for another miracle.. That we come though this with a healthy baby. 🙏❤️