My baby girl is here 🥳❤️


My due date was 10/26 and I swore I’d be pregnant forever lol.

Friday the 23rd, I woke up at 3am to contractions every 15 mins .. they weren’t super strong so I tried to track them. Woke up and went on with my day. The kids had zoom, I made breakfast and lunch .. I did some crafts with my sons after zoom. Contractions still weren’t too too strong but enough to make me sit down throughout the day. My dad came over and I started dinner ... he finished which gave me time to take a hot shower (maybe it would help).. I got out, ate and then put my sons in their room so they could chill. My pain started increasing and coming closer together.. I laid out on the couch waiting for my partner to get back ..... contractions were getting closer together (5 mins), it was hard to move, get comfortable, concentrate, hell do anything other than stand up yet lean on the couch. My partner finally came, packed up the car and we left. The car ride was excruciating because the contractions were def getting stronger... We got to the hospital and I really couldn’t walk... I leaned over the seat waiting for a wheelchair and my water broke... got pushed to triage.... barely made it to a room and I felt the need to push... she was out in 4 pushes with no medicine as I leaned over the bed... I swear the contractions hurt more than the pushing!

12:59 am, less than 30 mins after getting to the hospital my baby was born ❤️ I’m so in love with all 6lbs of her!