I hope I don't offend anyone

Becky • I have 2 beautiful boys 1 being an angel and hope that one day 3 might be the number for me . Otherwise 2 beautiful bubs 1 I have a little longer to wait be be able to hold is a gift no matter what ✨✨. Xo
Ok mummas just a question that's been on my mind lately. Does it sort of get to you a little when somebody puts stillbirth and a miscarriage(Im talking 7-8 weeks pregnant and below) in the same sort of pain category? I personally have had 2 misscarriages and im not saying they weren't very hard on me emotionally. But they(for me) do not even come close to to the pain I felt loosing my boy Julian at 38weeks. I'm  not trying at all to be insensitive to anybody who has suffered loss at any stage It does really hurt to now that others have felt this horrible pain . I just can't see how the 2 compare. I think maybe it's because (thank the lord) these other ladies who have only suffered loss very early on have thankfully not had to suffer a later loss.?? Maybe?? Does anybody else ever think this? Or am I just being a horrible person for real. Thanks mummas 💖