Pregnancy symptoms 4 weeks 6 days! THE BLOAT IS REAL

Shayla • Wishing for rainbows🌧🌧🌧🌧🌈

To be fair I'm a bit over weight but I usually still have a flatter stomach.

I've pretty much been constipated for the last 6 days except for one day that I had diarrhea. My flatulence is ridiculous 🤢. I cant eat sugary foods which usually I'm a beast at destroying, I ended up throwing up a cookie my mom made me yesterday, I also ate some ice cream because it sounded good and I ended up getting really nauseous after, I drank a ton of water (I've been incredibly thirsty anyways) and fell asleep. I've been wanting spicy and salty food, idk if it's something my body is lacking because I dont think pregnancy cravings can hit this early. I do take a prenatal vitamin every day though. I also have had since before I found out, a runny nose. A new fantastic symptom is a zinging pain (not too bad though) that rushes from the top front of my uterus, down the front of my vaginal wall. It's taken me off guard a little. Is anyone else experiencing these or similar symptoms? This is my 5th pregnancy but unfortunately the last 4 ended in losses. I'm still very nervous, but I'm hoping all will be well! ❤🌈🦇